

大赛由纽约青少年文化艺术节(NYYCAF)和法拉盛诗歌节(Flushing Poetry Festival)主办,法拉盛图书馆(Queens Public Library at Flushing ),新起传媒(NewStar Media),盛世娱乐制作 (Sense Entertianment Production)协办,特别鸣谢新世界商场 (New World Mall),纽约黄鹤会 (Yellow Crane Club)。

2020海外汉语杯口才大赛,有的200多名选手报名参加,初赛于1月11日和18日中午12时在法拉盛图书馆成功举办。原定2月2日举办决赛,因为突如其来新冠肺炎疫情,组委会考虑到参加者以青少年儿童为多,避免在公共场合聚集,决定延期举行决赛。原订延期举办的决赛为4月,结果因为疫情,纽约摁下暂停键而再次改期。至今,纽约正在逐步开放,但社交距离仍然要求我们谨慎对待现场决赛这一选择。经组委会研究决定,在7月5号星期天进行决赛。冬去春来,又进入了夏季。这场决赛将以远程方式举办。各组进入决赛的同学将分时段进入网上赛场,现场由五位评委现场打分,评委分别是: 法拉盛诗歌节主任委员,著名诗人、艺术家严力;法拉盛图书馆馆长曾阳; 美国重要新闻社编辑曹莉;东方戏曲艺术家协会会长、京崑剧名家杨玲; 法拉盛图书馆副馆长、法拉盛诗歌节执行委员邱辛晔。最终决赛成绩在比赛官网nyycaf.com公布。


首届海外“汉语杯”口才大赛 获奖名单



          法拉盛诗歌节(Flushing Poetry Festival)

协办:法拉盛图书馆(Queens Library at Flushing)  

          新起传媒(NewStar Media)  

          盛世娱乐制作 (Sense Entertianment Production)

鸣谢:新世界商场 (New World Mall)

          纽约黄鹤会 (Yellow Crane Club)


New York International Youth Arts Festival

The New York International Youth Arts Festival was established in 2008. It remains a valuable showcase for new talent.This festival brings together performing artists, pedagogues and young musicians from both Eastern and Western cultures to work together. This unique collaboration promotes a high level of music training, competition and performances.

In this year of our 9th Annual Festival, We will have a Piano Competition in Feb, 2017. Many young musicians who are from all over the world competed to each other by their talents.

The Grand Award Ceremony of 2017 Winter Festival will be hold in WEILL RECITAL HALL at CARNEGIE HALL in New York City on Feb. 5th, 2017.Our young winners and the invited world famous musicians appeared on the stage together. They were not only awarded a honor, but also achieved a perfect show with the masters.